Новые требования по досмотру багажа в аэропорту Франкфурта Версия для печати
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В связи с вводом новых требований c 6 ноября 2006 года – некоторым авиакомпаниям, возможно, придется закрывать раньше регистрацию из-за большой очереди на спец контроле.
(информация на английском языке)

+++ New EU Security Regulations for Carry-on Baggage +++
Dear Customer, New security regulations apply effective November 6, 2006, for carry-on baggage on flights departing EU airports - regardless of the destination. The new regulations focus on liquids travelers may carry and maximum size of carry-on baggage.

Specific new regulations:

1. Liquids or comparable items of similar consistency (such as gels, aerosols, lotions, creams, toothpaste) may only be carried by travelers in small quantities and in small containers.

The maximum size of a container is limited to 100 ml. The containers must be placed and transported in a clear plastic, zip lock bag having a maximum volume of 1 liter. The bag may contain several containers but it must still be possible to completely close the bag. Only one bag is permitted per passenger. This bag must be removed from the carry-on baggage and presented to security personnel at the checkpoint for separate X-raying. It is important that only such bags are permitted that can be tightly closed again (e.g. standard deep-freeze bags, so-called zip lock bags).

It is urgently recommended that passengers obtain such bags in advance and place their liquid or comparable items in such a bag at home before coming to the airport. Medications and special dietary requirement, including baby formula, are permitted in carry-on baggage if needed on board. These must be removed from the carry-on baggage and declared to security personnel at the checkpoint.

2. Sealed Bag Procedure for Bottles Containing Liquors and Cosmetics Purchased at Duty Free Shops The traveler may take Duty Free items through the security checkpoint which he/she has purchased on the day of the flight in a shop after the boarding card checkpoint at an EU airport or on board an aircraft of an EU airline.

These items must be packed in a clear plastic bag which has been sealed by shop personnel after paying. The sales slip with date and location of the purchase must be inside the bag and capable of being checked (read) without having to open the bag.

This procedure allows for duty free shopping even in those cases where the security check is conducted right in front of the gate. Furthermore it allows for a seamless transfer at all other Airports within the EU. The bag may not be opened until having reached the final destination. Flights to the US are still subject to specific regulations.

3. The Size of Carry-on Baggage is Limited to 56 cm x 45 cm x 25 cm. This regulation corresponds to the already valid IATA recommendation and does not become legally binding until May 6, 2007.

Detailed information from the EU Commission can be found via the following links on the Commission’s Website: http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/06/363&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/06/1313&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en 

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